Friday, June 24, 2011


The forecast was not good for this morning and we really didn't fell like getting out of bed at the crack of dawn so we slept in a little bit but decided we needed to go.  We grabbed drinks and headed out to the airport about 7AM.  All the early birds had gone so we packed up and taxied down Runway 31 for our departure fly-by. It was so serene.  We had an uneventful flight to Mobile - what a great airport.  The controllers were nice to us except for the Mobile Approach guy who wanted us to climb to 2500 feet - NOT.

We got to meet our adopt a racer kids (Destynee and Jadelen) today and they made this very special poster for us and we had Wunder women team shirts and sling bags for them.  I heard the 4 of us were on the 5:00 news.  I think we have a few future women pilots in the making - they were so excited.  We left the airport because we were soaked and smelly. By the time we made it back to the airport the girls were gone for the day but we will hook up with them at the Battleship tomorrow.

It's all over but the celebrating and no matter who wins - I can guarantee there will be a lot of that.
It's bittersweet because the race was only half the distance and we missed going to all the stops and seeing all the people who put so much effort into it. We have a few more days of timing runs, airplane inspections and mandatory meetings but Rose and I will be on our way north EARLY Monday morning. 

Today was my girlfriend Terry's 50 birthday - so it wasn't really a meltdown party but Terry's birthday party :)  Happy Birthday!!!

Thanks for every one's support - we had a blast!!!

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